The DreamCatcher Cafe

The DreamCatcher Cafe

Friday, March 18, 2011

Coffee Conversations

This is going to be a repetitive Title “Coffee Conversations”. Many wonderful people who carry with them Great experiences and travel stories. Conversations in the city have their degree of charm but it is way different out here. Love the spirit and cheers that people bring with them over their travel / holiday giving respect to their hectic lives back in town.
This thread of thought was brought over a visit by Indu & Santosh who are friends of the Café. They said it would be great pleasure to soak in experience shared.
Followed was a visit by Thomas, a solo cyclist from London who has been on the road for the past 9 months cycling across Europe and now India. He has been here for more than 3 months aiming to reach Kanyakumari soon. His map was filled with back country roads from Bombay and recons it is the best way to see India.
Sathisiah currently working on a community initiative project in Bandipur, shares the joy expressed by the people of the region.
Anil, Sunil & RP would love to develop a information platform for the region with new age ideas. This was a great sit down with parallel thoughts, the ideas kept flowing to make it possible

There were other great conversations. Promise to keep the Title alive.  

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

More Green - Help from our friends

Borrowing a statement from one of our travel publications Dokpwe – “ Green is not just a Color but it is a Statement of Mind ”. There are efforts go green & greener. Surfing through your comments on our facebook group DreamCatcher Café, there were many mentions to plant more
If you scroll through the posts, We have SHOOTS, our hand with vegetable farming was successful till our chickens have managed to eat all the leaves. Carrots are the only surviving plant which are been nurtured well. End of harvest, the banana plantation is now a vacant ground, People and Tractors are working the land to plant the next crop to give us the beautiful background.
Friends of the Café Indu and Santosh who frequent the road brought us saplings of theHonge Tree locally known as Honge Mara. We found spots around and the Café and have planted them. Scanning the Internet found many interesting facts on the Hongai Mara,Bio-Diesel, CO2 levels etc, a “Greener” tree.
The Cherry trees are growing fast and healthy, steadily inching to beat the height of our main Café sign board challenging us to find innovative ways to display. Later would be ideal for hammocks in front of the Café………

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Biker Dreamcatcher

Another DreamCatcher @ the Cafe, specially dedicated to all the Bikers who have visited us since we have started. Road Veda & Goan Bikers -Alexander, Samuel, Mandy, Jerry and many others. Cyclists too .....56 year old Hungarian Quilan and Thomas cycling Indian roads for more than 3 months.
We did not want a Chain Sprocket go to waste. Gave it a good polish & a few feathers. It is the first thing you notice as you enter the Cafe - Cheers..............